Sunday, October 16, 2016

Dear Monday: Go step on a Lego

February 22, 2016---Monday.

The Mondayest Monday that could have ever Mondayed. I got up early like I normally did on Monday's. Mondays before being diagnosed were the longest days of the week. I'd start the day being at the gym at 6AM for a workout, followed by my job as a family advocate, then I'd go work second shift as a correctional officer. Mondays were long and I spent most of my Sunday, like most, dreading that the weekend was over and that the worst day of the week was a wake up away. However, this Monday proved to be completely different. This Monday, my life changed, the change just was not confirmed. You see, after smashing a Jessie Hilgenberg ( leg workout, I got in the shower to get ready for the day, and there it was- A lump on my left breast, the size of golf ball.  Surely, a 22 year old a girl who was physically active her entire high school and collegiate career, no family history of breast cancer, could have breast cancer, right?! I stood in the shower for what seemed like an eternity just moving the lump around, thinking in disbelief. I put the fear aside, and continued on with my day. Which consisted of, being a passenger in a motor vehicle accident (no injuries- Thank God) and not getting home until midnight that night from the jail. Told ya' a pretty crappy Monday.

*Note that I was NOT doing a monthly breast self exam. I thought I was too young. WRONG! Self-Exams help you to be familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can alert your healthcare professional if there are any changes. Here's how to do a breast self-exam: ( Feel it on the first of every month ladies!!

**I created this blog to tell my breast cancer story, educate individuals about breast cancer, and inspire and give insight to other survivors who are searching for answers about their breast cancer journey- just like I did.  No hate, just love please. <3

A 'selfie' I took dated two days prior to feeling my lump.

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